Ordinary Differential Equations: Solving Systems of IVPs
Solving Systems of IVPs
Many engineering problems contain systems of IVPs in which more than one dependent variable is a function of one independent variable, say . For example, chemical reactions of more than one component are usually described using systems of IVPs in which the initial conditions are known. Similarly, the interaction of biological growth of different species (predators and prey) is usually represented by a system of IVPs in which the initial conditions are given. Generally, these systems can be represented as:
The independent variable is discretized such that with a constant step . In such systems, the initial conditions, namely the values of , are given. The values of when are denoted: . In this case, the values of the dependent variables at can be obtained using the following system of equations:
where depend on the method used. For example, if the explicit Euler method is used, then:
Alternatively, if the classical Runge-Kutta method is used, then:
where , , , and are the values associated with the dependent variable and calculated according to the classical Runge-Kutta technique.
It should also be noted that higher-order IVPs can be solved by converting them into a system of first-order IVPs. For example, consider the IVP:
with the initial conditions and given. Then, setting , the equation can be written as a system of two IVPs:
with initial conditions given for and .
Consider the damped spring-mass mechanical system with , with the initial conditions and . Find the numerical solution for the position and the velocity for using the explicit Euler method and the Runge-Kutta method. Use .
The differential equation of the damped system is given by:
The exact solution can be obtained analytically as:
Notice that this is a second order ODE. To find the numerical solution, the equation will be converted into a system of 2 IVPs. Setting , the equation can be converted into the following system:
with the initial conditions and . With , the interval can be split into time steps. The time discretization will be such that , , , up to . The corresponding positions are given by: while the corresponding velocities are given by: .
Explicit Euler Method
Using the explicit Euler method, the values of and can be evaluated as:
With the initial conditions and , the values of and at can be calculated as:
Similarly, the values of and can be obtained as:
Proceeding iteratively, the values of and up to can be obtained. The following figure shows the position (top) and velocity (bottom) obtained with the Explicit Euler method with (black dots) compared to the exact solution (blue line). The Microsoft Excel file EulerSystem.xlsx shows the obtained values.
Classical Runge-Kutta method
The two differential equations are designated and as follows:
Using the classical Runge-Kutta method, the values of and can be evaluated as:
With the initial conditions and , the values of can be calculated as:
Proceeding iteratively, the values of and up to can be obtained. The following figure shows the position (top) and velocity (bottom) obtained with the classical Runge-Kutta method with (black dots) compared to the exact solution (blue line). The Microsoft Excel file RK4System.xlsx shows the calculated up to the required time point.
From the figures above, it is evident that using the explicit Euler method, the numerical solution deviates from the exact solution for higher values of . However, the classical Runge-Kutta method provides very accurate predictions.
As shown in the figure below, the Explicit Euler method can produce results with higher accuracy using smaller values of the step size (i.e. ). With higher values of the step size, the method can become unstable and grow without bound (i.e. ).
In contrast, the figure below demonstrates that the classical Runge-Kutta method is able to produce accurate results and maintain numerical stability for a step size as high as .
The Mathematica code utilized to produce the curves is shown below.
View Mathematica CodeClear[x] a = DSolve[{Derivative[2][x][t] == -(0.15*Derivative[1][x][t]) - x[t], Derivative[1][x][0] == 0, x[0] == -10}, x, t] x = x[t] /. a[[1]] xp = Simplify[D[x, {t}]] Plot[x, {t, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"time", "x (position)"}] Plot[xp, {t, 0, 20}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"time", "x' (velocity)"}] EulerMethod2[fp1_, fp2_, x10_, x20_, h_, t0_, tmax_] := (n = (tmax - t0)/h + 1; x1table = Table[0, {i, 1, n}]; x2table = Table[0, {i, 1, n}]; x1table[[1]] = x10; x2table[[1]] = x20; Do[x1table[[i]] = h*fp1[x1table[[i - 1]], x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 2) + t0] + x1table[[i - 1]]; x2table[[i]] = h*fp2[x1table[[i - 1]], x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 2) + t0] + x2table[[i - 1]], {i, 2, n}]; Data = Table[{h*(i - 1) + t0, x1table[[i]], x2table[[i]]}, {i, 1, n}]; Data) RK4Method2[fp1_, fp2_, x10_, x20_, h_, t0_, tmax_] := (n = (tmax - t0)/h + 1; x1table = Table[0, {i, 1, n}]; x1table[[1]] = x10; x2table = Table[0, {i, 1, n}]; x2table[[1]] = x20; Do[k11 = fp1[x1table[[i - 1]], x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 2) + t0]; k21 = fp2[x1table[[i - 1]], x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 2) + t0]; k12 = fp1[(h*k11)/2 + x1table[[i - 1]], (h*k21)/2 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1.5) + t0]; k22 = fp2[(h*k11)/2 + x1table[[i - 1]], (h*k21)/2 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1.5) + t0]; k13 = fp1[(h*k12)/2 + x1table[[i - 1]], (h*k22)/2 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1.5) + t0]; k23 = fp2[(h*k12)/2 + x1table[[i - 1]], (h*k22)/2 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1.5) + t0]; k14 = fp1[h*k13 + x1table[[i - 1]], h*k23 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1) + t0]; k24 = fp2[h*k13 + x1table[[i - 1]], h*k23 + x2table[[i - 1]], h*(i - 1) + t0]; x1table[[i]] = (1/6)*h*(k11 + 2*k12 + 2*k13 + k14) + x1table[[i - 1]]; x2table[[i]] = (1/6)*h*(k21 + 2*k22 + 2*k23 + k24) + x2table[[i - 1]], {i, 2, n}]; Data2 = Table[{h*(i - 1) + t0, x1table[[i]], x2table[[i]]}, {i, 1, n}]; Data2) fp1[x_, y_, t_] := y; fp2[x_, y_, t_] := -x - 0.15*y; Data = EulerMethod2[fp1, fp2, -10, 0, 0.1, 0, 20]; DataPosition = Drop[Data, None, {3}]; DataVelocity = Drop[Data, None, {2}]; a1 = Plot[x, {t, 0, 20}, Epilog -> {PointSize[Large], Point[DataPosition]}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ImageSize -> Medium, AxesLabel -> {"Time", "x (position)"}]; a2 = Plot[xp, {t, 0, 20}, Epilog -> {PointSize[Large], Point[DataVelocity]}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, ImageSize -> Medium, AxesLabel -> {"Time", "x' (velocity)"}]; a = Grid[{{a1, a2}}]; Grid[{{"Explicit Euler"}, {a}}] Data = RK4Method2[fp1, fp2, -10, 0, 0.1, 0, 20]; DataPosition = Drop[Data, None, {3}]; DataVelocity = Drop[Data, None, {2}]; a1 = Plot[x, {t, 0, 20}, Epilog -> {PointSize[Large], Point[DataPosition]}, ImageSize -> Medium, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"Time", "x (position)"}]; a2 = Plot[xp, {t, 0, 20}, Epilog -> {PointSize[Large], Point[DataVelocity]}, ImageSize -> Medium, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesLabel -> {"Time", "x' (velocity)"}]; a = Grid[{{a1, a2}}]; Grid[{{"Classical Runge-Kutta"}, {a}}]
View Python Code
# UPGRADE: need Sympy 1.2 or later, upgrade by running: "!pip install sympy --upgrade" in a code cell # !pip install sympy --upgrade import numpy as np import sympy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sp.init_printing(use_latex=True) x = sp.Function('x') t = sp.symbols('t')
sol = sp.dsolve(x(t).diff(t,2) + x(t) + 0.15*x(t).diff(t), ics={x(0): -10, x(t).diff(t).subs(t,0): 0})
display(sol) xp = sp.simplify(sol.rhs.diff(t)) display(xp) x_val = np.arange(0,20,0.01) plt.plot(x_val, [sol.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val]) plt.xlabel("time"); plt.ylabel("x (position)") plt.grid(); plt.show() plt.plot(x_val, [xp.subs(t, i) for i in x_val]) plt.xlabel("time"); plt.ylabel("x' (velocity)") plt.grid(); plt.show() def EulerMethod2(fp1, fp2, x10, x20, h, t0, tmax): n = int((tmax - t0)/h + 1) x1table = [0 for i in range(n)] x2table = [0 for i in range(n)] x1table[0] = x10 x2table[0] = x20 for i in range(1,n): x1table[i] = x1table[i - 1] + h*fp1(x1table[i - 1], x2table[i - 1], t0 + (i - 1)*h) x2table[i] = x2table[i - 1] + h*fp2(x1table[i - 1], x2table[i - 1], t0 + (i - 1)*h) Data = [[t0 + i*h, x1table[i], x2table[i]] for i in range(n)] return Data def RK4Method2(fp1, fp2, x10, x20, h, t0, tmax): n = int((tmax - t0)/h + 1) x1table = [0 for i in range(n)] x1table[0] = x10 x2table = [0 for i in range(n)] x2table[0] = x20 for i in range(1,n): k11 = fp1(x1table[i - 1], x2table[i - 1], t0 + (i - 1)*h) k21 = fp2(x1table[i - 1], x2table[i - 1], t0 + (i - 1)*h) k12 = fp1(x1table[i - 1] + h/2*k11, x2table[i - 1] + h/2*k21, t0 + (i - 0.5)*h) k22 = fp2(x1table[i - 1] + h/2*k11, x2table[i - 1] + h/2*k21, t0 + (i - 0.5)*h) k13 = fp1(x1table[i - 1] + h/2*k12, x2table[i - 1] + h/2*k22, t0 + (i - 0.5)*h) k23 = fp2(x1table[i - 1] + h/2*k12, x2table[i - 1] + h/2*k22, t0 + (i - 0.5)*h) k14 = fp1(x1table[i - 1] + h*k13, x2table[i - 1] + h*k23, t0 + i*h) k24 = fp2(x1table[i - 1] + h*k13, x2table[i - 1] + h*k23, t0 + i*h) x1table[i] = x1table[i - 1] + h*(k11 + 2*k12 + 2*k13 + k14)/6 x2table[i] = x2table[i - 1] + h*(k21 + 2*k22 + 2*k23 + k24)/6 Data = [[t0 + i*h, x1table[i], x2table[i]] for i in range(n)] return Data def fp1(x, y, t): return y def fp2(x, y, t): return -x - 0.15*y x_val = np.arange(0,20,0.01) Data = EulerMethod2(fp1, fp2, -10, 0, 0.1, 0, 20) plt.title("Explicit Euler") plt.plot(x_val, [sol.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val]) plt.scatter([DataPosition[0] for DataPosition in Data], [DataPosition[1] for DataPosition in Data],c='k') plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x (position)") plt.grid(); plt.show() plt.title("Explicit Euler") plt.plot(x_val, [xp.subs(t, i) for i in x_val]) plt.scatter([DataVelocity[0] for DataVelocity in Data], [DataVelocity[2] for DataVelocity in Data],c='k') plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x' (velocity)") plt.grid(); plt.show() Data = RK4Method2(fp1, fp2, -10, 0, 0.1, 0, 20) plt.title("Classical Runge-Kutta") plt.plot(x_val, [sol.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val]) plt.scatter([DataPosition[0] for DataPosition in Data], [DataPosition[1] for DataPosition in Data],c='k') plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x (position)") plt.grid(); plt.show() plt.title("Classical Runge-Kutta") plt.plot(x_val, [xp.subs(t, i) for i in x_val]) plt.scatter([DataVelocity[0] for DataVelocity in Data], [DataVelocity[2] for DataVelocity in Data],c='k') plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x' (velocity)") plt.grid(); plt.show()
The effect of changing the value of on the resulting numerical solution for the system of IVPs given here can be illustrated using the following tool. Even for the classical Runge-Kutta produces very accurate predictions at which point the explicit Euler method produces very erroneous results.
Using Mathematica
The built-in NDSolve in Mathematica uses the Runge-Kutta methods to solve a system of IVPs and produces piecewise interpolating polynomials for the dependent variables. The following code solves some of the preceding examples and compares with the exact solution. Note that in those examples when the exact and numerical solutions are plotted together, they overlap!
View Mathematica CodeClear[x, xn, xtable] (*Example 1*) k = 0.015; a = DSolve[{x'[t] == k*x[t], x[0] == 35}, x, t]; x = x[t] /. a[[1]] b = NDSolve[{xn'[t] == k*xn[t], xn[0] == 35}, xn, {t, 0, 50}] xn = xn /. b[[1]] Plot[{x, xn[t]}, {t, 0, 50}, PlotLegends -> {"Exact", "Numerical using Mathematica"}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "Population"}] (*Example 2*) Clear[cn] b = NDSolve[{cn'[t] == (100 + 50*Cos[2 Pi*t/365])/10000*(5 Exp[-2 t/1000] - cn[t]), cn[0] == 5}, cn, {t, 0, 700}] cn = cn /. b[[1]] Plot[cn[t], {t, 0, 700}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "Concentration"}] (*Example 4*) Clear[xn, x] a = DSolve[{x'[t] == t*x[t]^2 + 2*x[t], x[0] == -5}, x, t]; x = x[t] /. a[[1]] b = NDSolve[{xn'[t] == t*xn[t]^2 + 2 xn[t], xn[0] == -5}, xn, {t, 0, 5}] xn = xn /. b[[1]] Plot[{x, xn[t]}, {t, 0, 5}, PlotRange -> All, PlotLegends -> {"Exact", "Numerical using Mathematica"}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "x"}] (*Example of a system*) Clear[xn, yn, x] a = DSolve[{x''[t] == 10 - x[t] - 0.15 x'[t], x'[0] == 0, x[0] == 0}, x, t] x = x[t] /. a[[1]] xp = Simplify[D[x, t]] b = NDSolve[{xn'[t] == yn[t], yn'[t] == 10 - xn[t] - 0.15 yn[t], xn[0] == 0, yn[0] == 0}, {xn, yn}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}] xn = xn /. b[[1]] yn = yn /. b[[1]] Plot[{x, xn[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotLegends -> {"Exact", "Numerical using Mathematica"}, AxesLabel -> {"time", "x (position)"}] Plot[{xp, yn[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotLegends -> {"Exact", "Numerical using Mathematica"}, AxesLabel -> {"time", "x' (velocity)"}]
View Python Code
# UPGRADE: need Sympy 1.2 or later, upgrade by running: "!pip install sympy --upgrade" in a code cell # !pip install sympy --upgrade import numpy as np import sympy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint sp.init_printing(use_latex=True) x = sp.Function('x') t, k = sp.symbols('t k') # Example 1 k = 0.015 a = sp.dsolve(x(t).diff(t) - k*x(t), ics={x(0): 35}) display(a) def f(x, t, params): k = params dxdt = k*x return dxdt x_val = np.arange(0,50,0.1) b = odeint(f, [35], x_val, args=(k,)) plt.plot(x_val, [a.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val], label="Exact") plt.plot(x_val, b, label="Numerical") plt.xlabel("t"); plt.ylabel("Population") plt.legend(); plt.grid(); plt.show() # Example 2 def f(c, t): dcdt = (100 + 50*np.cos(2*np.pi*t/365))/10000*(5*np.exp(-2*t/1000) - c) return dcdt x_val = np.arange(0,700,0.1) b = odeint(f, [5], x_val) plt.plot(x_val, b) plt.xlabel("t"); plt.ylabel("Concentration") plt.grid(); plt.show() # Example 4 a = sp.dsolve(x(t).diff(t) - t*x(t)**2 - 2*x(t), ics={x(0): -5}) display(a) def f(x, t): dxdt = t*x**2 + 2*x return dxdt x_val = np.arange(0,5,0.1) b = odeint(f, [-5], x_val) plt.plot(x_val, [a.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val], label="Exact") plt.plot(x_val, b, label="Numerical") plt.xlabel("t"); plt.ylabel("x") plt.legend(); plt.grid(); plt.show() # Example of a system a = sp.dsolve(x(t).diff(t,2) - 10 + x(t) + 0.15*x(t).diff(t), ics={x(t).diff(t).subs(t,0): 0, x(0): 0}) ap = sp.diff(a.rhs,t) display(a) display(ap) def f(vars, t): x, y = vars dxdt = y dydt = 10 - x - 0.15*y return [dxdt, dydt] x_val = np.arange(0,2*np.pi,0.1) b = odeint(f, [0,0], x_val) xn = b[:, 0] yn = b[:, 1] plt.plot(x_val, [a.subs(t, i).rhs for i in x_val], label="Exact") plt.plot(x_val, xn, label="Numerical") plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x (position)") plt.legend(); plt.grid(); plt.show() plt.plot(x_val, [ap.subs(t, i) for i in x_val], label="Exact") plt.plot(x_val, yn, label="Numerical") plt.xlabel("Time"); plt.ylabel("x' (velocity)") plt.legend(); plt.grid(); plt.show()
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