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Nonlinear Systems of Equations: Linear vs. Nonlinear Analysis

Linear vs. Nonlinear Analysis of Structures: An Application

Most structural engineering problems in which the displacements and forces inside a structure are sought can be formulated using linear systems of equations. This is done by invoking certain assumptions that simplify the problem. However, when a structure undergoes large deformations, the problem has to be formulated using nonlinear systems of equations. The following is an example of a truss structure that aims at clarifying the difference.


Two steel truss members with areas A_1 and A_2 are connected to a steel cable with an area A_3 as shown in the figure. All the connections are hinged connections allowing free relative rotations. Points A, C, and D are fixed by means of hinges preventing displacements but allowing free rotations. Assuming that the horizontal displacement of point B is u_1 to the right and the vertical displacement of point B is u_2 downwards. Assume that Young’s modulus E=200 GPa, A_1=A_2=200 mm^2, and A_3=50 mm^2. The force in each member is equal to F_i=A_i\sigma_i=A_iE_i\varepsilon_i where \varepsilon_i=\frac{L_i-L_{0i}}{L_{0i}} where i=1,2,3 is the member number, L_{0i} is the undeformed length, L_i is the deformed length, \sigma_i is the longitudinal stress, \varepsilon_i is the strain, and E_i is Young’s modulus in member i. Find the values of u_1 and u_2 at equilibrium using: 1) Linear analysis where the displacements are assumed to be small, and 2) Nonlinear analysis. Solve twice, once with F=10,000 N, and another time with F=500,000 N. Do the two solution strategies give the same answer?



The units adopted will be N for forces, m for lengths, and N/m^2 for E. The following is the displaced shape of the structure. The middle hinge move horizontally to the right a distance u_1 and vertically downards a distance u_2. There are two unknowns in the problem u_1 and u_2. These can be found using two equations of equilibrium at the middle hinge. The two equations are the sum of the vertical and horizontal forces, each equal to zero.

Linear Analysis

In linear analysis, the truss member length is assumed to only change due to displacements along its longitudinal axis. In other words, the forces in the truss member do not change if it simply rotates. In addition, the forces are assumed to be aligned with the original geometry of the structure before deformations. The strains in each member are given by: \varepsilon_1=\frac{3-u_1-3}{3}=\frac{-u_1}{3}, \varepsilon_2=\frac{3+u_1-3}{3}=\frac{u_1}{3}, and \varepsilon_3=\frac{5+u_2\sin{(\theta)}-u_1\cos{(\theta)}-5}{5}=\frac{u_2\sin{(\theta)}-u_1\cos{(\theta)}}{5}. Therefore, the forces in each member can be calculated as follows:

    \[ \begin{split} F_1&=E_1A_1\varepsilon_1=E\left(\frac{200}{1000000}\right)\frac{-u_1}{3}\\ F_2&=E_2A_2\varepsilon_2=E\left(\frac{200}{1000000}\right)\frac{u_1}{3}\\ F_3&=E_3A_3\varepsilon_3=E\left(\frac{50}{1000000}\right)\frac{u_2\sin{(\theta)}-u_1\cos{(\theta)}}{5} \end{split} \]

where E=200(10^9) N/m^2, \sin{\theta}=\frac{4}{5}, and \cos{\theta}=\frac{3}{5}. Assuming small deformations, equilibrium at point B can be analyzed using the following forces diagram:
The first equation is the sum of horizontal forces equals to zero:

    \[ F_1+F_3\cos{(\theta)}-F_2=\frac{-81260000}{3}u_1+960000u_2=0 \]

The second equation is the sum of the vertical forces equal to zero:

    \[ F-F_3\sin{(\theta)}=F+960000u_1-1280000 u_2=0 \]

These equations are linear and can be written in matrix form as follows:

    \[ \left(\begin{matrix} \frac{-81260000}{3} & 960000\\ 960000 & -1280000\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c} u_1\\u_2\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{c} 0\\-F\end{array}\right) \]

Setting F=10,000 N yields a solution u_1=0.28mm and u_2=8.02mm, while setting F=500,000 yields u_1=14mm and u_2=401mm. Notice that in a linear analysis, the displacements are directly proportional to the applied load, that is, the ratio between u_1 at F=10,000 and u_1 at F=500,000 is equal to \frac{10,000}{500,000}. The same applies to u_2.

The following is the Mathematica code to formulate and solve the above system of equations using the “Solve” function.

View Mathematica Code
Clear[F, Ee];
Ee = 200 (10^9);
eps1 = -u1/3;
A1 = A2 = 200/1000000;
A3 = 50/1000000;
eps2 = u1/3;
Cth = 3/5;
Sth = 4/5;
eps3 = (-u1*Cth + u2*Sth)/5;
F1 = Ee*A1*eps1;
F2 = Ee*A2*eps2;
F3 = Ee*A3*eps3;
Eq1 = Expand[(F1 + F3*Cth - F2)]
Eq2 = Expand[F - F3*Sth]
sol1 = Solve[{Eq1 == 0.0, Eq2 == 0.0 /. F -> 10000}]
sol2 = Solve[{Eq1 == 0.0, Eq2 == 0.0 /. F -> 500000}]
View Python Code
import sympy as sp
u1, u2, F = sp.symbols('u1 u2 F')
Ee = 200*(10**9)
eps1 = -u1/3
A1 = A2 = 200/1000000
A3 = 50/1000000
eps2 = u1/3
Cth = 3/5
Sth = 4/5
eps3 = (-u1*Cth + u2*Sth)/5
F1 = Ee*A1*eps1
F2 = Ee*A2*eps2
F3 = Ee*A3*eps3
Eq1 = F1 + F3*Cth - F2
Eq2 = F - F3*Sth
display("Eq1: ",Eq1)
display("Eq2: ",Eq2)
# Using Sympy's built-in linear solve function
display("sol1: ",sp.linsolve((Eq1, Eq2.subs({'F':10000})),(u1, u2)))
display("sol2: ",sp.linsolve((Eq1, Eq2.subs({'F':500000})),(u1, u2)))
Nonlinear Analysis

In a nonlinear analysis, the analysis takes into consideration the displaced position of the structure without any simplified assumptions. Looking at the first truss member, the displaced structure is shown in the following figure.
For this member, the original length L_{01}=3, the final length L_1=\sqrt{u_2^2+(3-u_1)^2}, the strain \varepsilon_1=\frac{L_1-L_{01}}{L_{01}} and the angle of inclination \theta_1 is such that \sin{(\theta_1)}=\frac{u_2}{L_1} and \cos{(\theta_1)}=\frac{3-u_1}{L_1}.

For the second truss member, the displaced structure is shown in the following figure.
For this member, the original length L_{02}=3, the final length L_2=\sqrt{u_2^2+(3+u_1)^2}, the strain \varepsilon_2=\frac{L_2-L_{02}}{L_{02}} and the angle of inclination \theta_2 is such that \sin{(\theta_2)}=\frac{u_2}{L_2} and \cos{(\theta_2)}=\frac{3+u_1}{L_2}.

For the third truss member, the displaced structure is shown in the following figure.
For this member, the original length L_{03}=5, the final length L_3=\sqrt{(4+u_2)^2+(3-u_1)^2}, the strain \varepsilon_3=\frac{L_3-L_{03}}{L_{03}} and the angle of inclination \theta_3 is such that \sin{(\theta_3)}=\frac{4+u_2}{L_3} and \cos{(\theta_3)}=\frac{3-u_1}{L_3}.

Finally, the equations of equilibrium can be written taking into consideration the inclination of each member:
The first equation is the sum of horizontal forces equals to zero:

    \[ F_1\cos{(\theta_1)}+F_3\cos{(\theta_3)}-F_2\cos{(\theta_2)}=0 \]

The second equation is the sum of the vertical forces equal to zero:

    \[ F-F_1\sin{(\theta_1)}-F_2\sin{(\theta_2)}-F_3\sin{(\theta_3)}=0 \]

The following is a screenshot of the Mathematica output of the two equations:

Setting F=10,000 N yields a solution u_1=0.28mm and u_2=8.02mm, while setting F=500,000 N yields u_1=11.6mm and u_2=340mm. For small deformations under small applied loads, the linear analysis and nonlinear analysis produce exactly the same results. In this situation, the rotations of the members are very small such that the original shape and the deformed shape can be assumed to be the same. However, under large loads, the linear analysis is no longer valid. The two solutions at F=500,000 N are far from each other with the nonlinear analysis solution giving less displacement. In this particular situation, as the structure deforms, the nonlinear effects cause the structure to be more rigid and therefore exhibit less deformations. Cable structures with large loads and large deformations in the cables need to be analyzed using a nonlinear analysis rather than a linear analysis.

The following is the Mathematica code to formulate and solve the above nonlinear system of equations using the “FindRoot” function with an initial guess of u_1=0, and u_2=0.

View Mathematica Code
Ee = 200 (10^9);
A1 = A2 = 200/1000000;
A3 = 50/1000000;
L1 = Sqrt[(3 - u1)^2 + u2^2];
Sth1 = u2/L1;
Cth1 = (3 - u1)/L1;
L2 = Sqrt[(3 + u1)^2 + u2^2];
Sth2 = u2/L2;
Cth2 = (3 + u1)/L2;
L3 = Sqrt[(3 - u1)^2 + (4 + u2)^2];
Cth3 = (3 - u1)/L3;
Sth3 = (4 + u2)/L3;
eps1 = (L1 - 3)/3;
eps2 = (L2 - 3)/3;
eps3 = (L3 - 5)/5;
F1 = Ee*A1*eps1;
F2 = Ee*A2*eps2;
F3 = Ee*A3*eps3;
Eq1 = Simplify[F1*Cth1 - F2*Cth2 + F3*Cth3]
Eq2 = Simplify[F - F1*Sth1 - F2*Sth2 - F3*Sth3]

sol1 = FindRoot[{Eq1 == 0, Eq2 == 0 /. F -> 10000}, {{u1, 0}, {u2, 0}}]
sol2 = FindRoot[{Eq1 == 0, Eq2 == 0 /. F -> 500000}, {{u1, 0}, {u2, 0}}]
View Python Code
import sympy as sp
u1, u2, F = sp.symbols('u1 u2 F')
Ee = 200*(10**9)
A1 = A2 = 200/1000000
A3 = 50/1000000
L1 = sp.sqrt((3 - u1)**2 + u2**2)
Sth1 = u2/L1
Cth1 = (3 - u1)/L1
L2 = sp.sqrt((3 + u1)**2 + u2**2)
Sth2 = u2/L2
Cth2 = (3 + u1)/L2
L3 = sp.sqrt((3 - u1)**2 + (4 + u2)**2)
Cth3 = (3 - u1)/L3
Sth3 = (4 + u2)/L3
eps1 = (L1 - 3)/3
eps2 = (L2 - 3)/3
eps3 = (L3 - 5)/5
F1 = Ee*A1*eps1
F2 = Ee*A2*eps2
F3 = Ee*A3*eps3
Eq1 = F1*Cth1 - F2*Cth2 + F3*Cth3
Eq2 = F - F1*Sth1 - F2*Sth2 - F3*Sth3
display("Eq1: ",Eq1)
display("Eq2: ",Eq2)
# Using Sympy's built-in nonlinear solve function
display("sol1: ",sp.nsolve((Eq1, Eq2.subs({'F':10000})), (u1,u2), (0,0)))
display("sol2: ",sp.nsolve((Eq1, Eq2.subs({'F':500000})), (u1,u2), (0,0)))

Page Comments

  1. Lei Zhang says:

    At the end of linear analysis,
    “the ratio between u1 at F=10,000 and u1 at F=500,000 is equal to 500,000/10,000.”
    It should be
    “the ratio between u1 at F=10,000 and u1 at F=500,000 is equal to 10,000/500,000.”

    1. Samer Adeeb says:

      Corrected! Thank you!

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