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Open Methods: Newton Raphson Method

The Method

The Newton-Raphson method is one of the most used methods of all root-finding methods. The reason for its success is that it converges very fast in most cases. In addition, it can be extended quite easily to multi-variable equations. To find the root of the equation f(x_t)=0, the Newton-Raphson method depends on the Taylor Series Expansion of the function around the estimate x_i to find a better estimate x_{i+1}:

    \[ f(x_{i+1})=f(x_i)+f'(x_i)(x_{i+1}-x_i)+\mathcal O (h^2) \]

where x_{i+1} is the estimate of the root after iteration i+1 and x_i is the estimate at iteration i. Assuming f(x_{i+1})=0 and rearranging:

    \[ x_{i+1}\approx x_i-\frac{f(x_i)}{f'(x_i)} \]

The procedure is as follows. Setting an initial guess x_0, tolerance \varepsilon_s, and maximum number of iterations N:
At iteration i, calculate x_i\approx x_{i-1}-\frac{f(x_{i-1})}{f'(x_{i-1})} and \varepsilon_r. If \varepsilon_r\leq \varepsilon_s or if i\geq N, stop the procedure. Otherwise repeat.
Note: unlike the previous methods, the Newton-Raphson method relies on calculating the first derivative of the function f(x). This makes the procedure very fast, however, it has two disadvantages. The first is that this procedure doesn’t work if the function f(x) is not differentiable. Second, the inverse (f'(x_{i}))^{-1} can be slow to calculate when dealing with multi-variable equations.


As an example, let’s consider the function f(x)=\sin{5x}+\cos{2x}. The derivative of f is f'(x)=5\cos{5x}-2\sin{2x}. Setting the maximum number of iterations N=100, \varepsilon_s=0.0005, x_0=0.5, the following is the Microsoft Excel table produced:

Mathematica has a built-in algorithm for the Newton-Raphson method. The function “FindRoot[lhs==rhs,{x,x0}]” applies the Newton-Raphson method with the initial guess being “x0”. The following is a screenshot of the input and output of the built-in function evaluating the roots based on three initial guesses.

Alternatively, a Mathematica code can be written to implement the Newton-Raphson method with the following output for three different initial guesses:

View Mathematica Code
f[x_] := Sin[5 x] + Cos[2 x]
fp = D[f[x], x]
xtable = {-0.25};
er = {1};
es = 0.0005;
MaxIter = 100;
i = 1;
While[And[i <= MaxIter, Abs[er[[i]]] > es], xnew = xtable[[i]] - (f[xtable[[i]]]/fp /. x -> xtable[[i]]);  xtable = Append[xtable, xnew]; ernew = (xnew - xtable[[i]])/xnew;  er = Append[er, ernew]; i++];
T = Length[xtable];
SolutionTable = Table[{i - 1, xtable[[i]], er[[i]]}, {i, 1, T}];
SolutionTable1 = {"Iteration", "x", "er"};
T = Prepend[SolutionTable, SolutionTable1];
T // MatrixForm
View Python Code
import sympy as sp
import pandas as pd

def f(x): return sp.sin(5*x) + sp.cos(2*x)
x = sp.symbols('x')
fp = f(x).diff(x)
xtable = [-0.25]
er = [1]
es = 0.0005
MaxIter = 100
i = 0
while i <= MaxIter and abs(er[i]) > es:
  xnew = xtable[i] - (f(xtable[i])/fp.subs(x,xtable[i]))
  ernew = (xnew - xtable[i])/xnew
SolutionTable = [[i, xtable[i], er[i]] for i in range(len(xtable))];
sol = pd.DataFrame(SolutionTable,columns=["Iteration", "x", "er"])

# Scipy's root function
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root
def f(x):
  return np.sin(5*x) + np.cos(2*x)
sol = root(f,[0])
print("Scipy's Root: ",sol.x)

The following MATLAB code runs the Newton-Raphson method to find the root of a function f(x) with derivative f'(x) and initial guess x_0. The value of the estimate and approximate relative error at each iteration is displayed in the command window. Additionally, two plots are produced to visualize how the iterations and the errors progress. You need to pass the function f(x) and its derivative df(x) to the newton-raphson method along with the initial guess as newtonraphson(@(x) f(x), @(x) df(x), x0). For example, try newtonraphson(@(x) sin(5.*x)+cos(2.*x), @(x) 5.*cos(5.*x)-2.*sin(2.*x),0.4)

Analysis of Convergence of the Newton-Raphson Method

The error in the Newton-Raphson Method can be roughly estimated as follows. The estimate x_{i+1} is related to the previous estimate x_i using the equation:

    \[ x_{i+1}=x_i-\frac{f(x_i)}{f'(x_i)}\Rightarrow 0=f(x_i)+f'(x_i)(x_{i+1}-x_i) \]

Additionally, using Taylor’s theorem, and if x_t is the true root with f(x_t)=0 we have:

    \[ f(x_t)=0=f(x_i)+f'(x_i)(x_t-x_i)+\frac{f''(\xi)}{2!}{(x_t-x_i)^2} \]

for some \xi in the interval between x_i and x_t. Subtracting the above two equations yields:

    \[ 0=f'(x_i)(x_t-x_{i+1})+\frac{f''(\xi)}{2!}{(x_t-x_i)^2} \]

Since E_{i+1}=x_t-x_{i+1} and E_i=x_t-x_i then:

(1)   \begin{equation*} E_{i+1}=-\frac{f''(\xi)}{2!f'(x_i)}{E_i^2} \end{equation*}

If the method is converging, we have f''(\xi)\approx f''(x_t) and f'(\xi)\approx f'(x_t) therefore:

    \[ E_{i+1}\propto E_i^2 \]

Therefore, the error is squared after each iteration, i.e., the number of correct decimal places approximately doubles with each iteration. This behaviour is called quadratic convergence. Look at the tables in the Newton-Raphson example above and compare the relative error after each step!

The following tool can be used to visualize how the Newton-Raphson method works. Using the slope f'(x_i), the difference x_{i+1}-x_i can be calculated and thus, the value of the new estimate x_{i+1} can be computed accordingly. Use the slider to see how fast the method converges to the true solution using \varepsilon_s=0.0005, x_0=0.4, and solving for the root of f(x)=\sin[5x]+\cos[2x]=0.


View Mathematica code
 f[x_] := Sin[5 x] + Cos[2 x];
 fp = D[f[x], x];
 xtable = {0.4};
 er = {1};
 es = 0.0005;
 MaxIter = 100;
 i = 1;
 While[And[i <= MaxIter, Abs[er[[i]]] > es], xnew = xtable[[i]] - (f[xtable[[i]]]/fp /. x -> xtable[[i]]); xtable = Append[xtable, xnew]; ernew = (xnew - xtable[[i]])/xnew; er = Append[er, ernew]; i++];
 T = Length[xtable];
 SolutionTable = Table[{i - 1, xtable[[i]], er[[i]]}, {i, 1, T}];
 SolutionTable1 = {"Iteration", "x", "er"};
 T = Prepend[SolutionTable, SolutionTable1];
  LineTable1 = Table[{{T[[i, 2]], 0}, {T[[i, 2]], f[T[[i, 2]]]}, {T[[i + 1, 2]],0}}, {i, 2, n - 1}];
 Grid[{{Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 1}, PlotLegends -> {"f(x)"}, ImageSize -> Medium,  Epilog -> {Dashed, Line[LineTable1]}]}, {Row[{"Iteration=", n - 2, "    x_n=", T[[n, 2]], "   f(x_n)=", f[T[[n, 2]]]}]}}], {n, 2, 7, 1}]
View Python Code
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets.widgets import interact

def f(x): return sp.sin(5*x) + sp.cos(2*x)
x = sp.symbols('x')
fp = f(x).diff(x)

def update(n=2):
  xtable = [0.4]
  er = [1]
  es = 0.0005
  MaxIter = 100
  i = 0
  while i <= MaxIter and abs(er[i]) > es:
    xnew = xtable[i] - (f(xtable[i])/fp.subs(x,xtable[i]))
    ernew = (xnew - xtable[i])/xnew
  SolutionTable = [[i - 1, xtable[i], er[i]] for i in range(len(xtable))]
  LineTable = [[],[]]
  for i in range(n-2):
    LineTable[0].extend([SolutionTable[i][1], SolutionTable[i][1], SolutionTable[i + 1][1]])
    LineTable[1].extend([0, f(SolutionTable[i][1]), 0])
  x_val = np.arange(0,1.1,0.03)
  y_val = np.sin(5*x_val) + np.cos(2*x_val)
  plt.plot(x_val,y_val, label="f(x)")
  plt.legend(); plt.grid();
  print("Iteration =",n-2," x_n =",round(SolutionTable[n-2][1],5)," f(x_n) =",f(SolutionTable[n-2][1]))

Depending on the shape of the function and the initial guess, the Newton-Raphson method can get stuck around the locations of oscillations of the function. The tool below visualizes the algorithm when trying to find the root of f(x)=x^3-x+3=0 with an initial guess of x_0=-0.1. It takes 33 iterations before reaching convergence.


Depending on the shape of the function and the initial guess, the Newton-Raphson method can get stuck in a loop. The tool below visualizes the algorithm when trying to find the root of f(x)=x^3-x+3=0 with an initial guess of x_0=0. The algorithm goes into an infinite loop.


In general, an initial guess that is close enough to the true root will guarantee quick convergence. The tool below visualizes the algorithm when trying to find the root of f(x)=x^3-x+3=0 with an initial guess of x_0=-1. The algorithm quickly converges to the desired root.


The following is the Mathematica code used to generate one of the tools above:

View Mathematica Code
 f[x_] := x^3 - x + 3;
 fp = D[f[x], x];
 xtable = {-0.1};
 er = {1.};
 es = 0.0005;
 MaxIter = 100;
 i = 1;
 While[And[i <= MaxIter, Abs[er[[i]]] > es], xnew = xtable[[i]] - (f[xtable[[i]]]/fp /. x -> xtable[[i]]); xtable = Append[xtable, xnew]; ernew = (xnew - xtable[[i]])/xnew; er = Append[er, ernew]; i++];
 T = Length[xtable];
 SolutionTable = Table[{i - 1, xtable[[i]], er[[i]]}, {i, 1, T}];
 SolutionTable1 = {"Iteration", "x", "er"};
 T = Prepend[SolutionTable, SolutionTable1]; 
 LineTable1 =   Table[{{T[[i, 2]], 0}, {T[[i, 2]], f[T[[i, 2]]]}, {T[[i + 1, 2]], 0}}, {i, 2, n - 1}];
 Grid[{{Plot[f[x], {x, -3, 2}, PlotLegends -> {"f(x)"}, ImageSize -> Medium, Epilog -> {Dashed, Line[LineTable1]}]}, {Row[{"Iteration=", n - 2, "    x_n=", T[[n, 2]], "   f(x_n)=", f[T[[n, 2]]]}]}}] , {n, 2, 33, 1}]
View Python Code
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets.widgets import interact

def f(x): return x**3 - x + 3
x = sp.symbols('x')
fp = f(x).diff(x)

def update(n=2):
  xtable = [-0.1]
  er = [1]
  es = 0.0005
  MaxIter = 100
  i = 0
  while i <= MaxIter and abs(er[i]) > es:
    xnew = xtable[i] - (f(xtable[i])/fp.subs(x,xtable[i]))
    ernew = (xnew - xtable[i])/xnew
  SolutionTable = [[i - 1, xtable[i], er[i]] for i in range(len(xtable))]
  LineTable = [[],[]]
  for i in range(n-2):
    LineTable[0].extend([SolutionTable[i][1], SolutionTable[i][1], SolutionTable[i + 1][1]])
    LineTable[1].extend([0, f(SolutionTable[i][1]), 0])
  x_val = np.arange(-3,2.2,0.03)
  y_val = x_val**3 - x_val + 3
  plt.plot(x_val,y_val, label="f(x)")
  plt.xlim(-3,2.2); plt.ylim(-25,10)
  plt.legend(); plt.grid();
  print("Iteration =",n-2," x_n =",round(SolutionTable[n-2][1],5)," f(x_n) =",round(f(SolutionTable[n-2][1]),5))

Lecture video


Page Comments

  1. Lei Zhang says:

    In the Microsoft Excel table, the # of iteration should be 1,2,3,4, not 0,1,2,3.

    1. Samer Adeeb says:

      Either choice is fine

  2. mary says:

    I have the newtenRaphson method in matlab but I have faced a problem or waring message.
    please could you help me?

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