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Solution Methods for IVPs: Backward (Implicit) Euler Method Backward (Implicit) Euler Method

Consider the following IVP:


Assuming that the value of the dependent variable x (say x_i) is known at an initial value t_i, then, we can use a Taylor approximation to relate the value of x at t=t_{i+1}, namely x(t_{i+1}) with h=t_{i+1}-t_i. However, unlike the explicit Euler method, we will use the Taylor series around the point x(t_{i+1}), that is:

    \[x_i=x(t_{i+1})-\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t}\bigg|_{t_{i+1}} (h) +\mathcal{O}(h^2)\]

Substituting the differential equation into the above equation yields:

    \[x_i=x(t_{i+1})-F(x_{i+1},t_{i+1}) (h) +\mathcal{O}(h^2)\]

Therefore, as an approximation, an estimate for x(t_{i+1}) can be taken as x_{i+1} as follows:

    \[x(t_{i+1})\approx x_{i+1}=x_i+F(x_{i+1},t_{i+1}) (h)\]

Using this estimate, the local truncation error is thus proportional to the square of the step size with the constant of proportionality related to the second derivative of x, which is the first derivative of the given IVP. The backward Euler method is termed an “implicit” method because it uses the slope \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t}=F(x,t) at the unknown point x_{i+1}, namely: F(x_{i+1},t_{i+1}). The developed equation can be linear in x_{i+1} or nonlinear. Nonlinear equations can often be solved using the fixed-point iteration method or the Newton-Raphson method to find the value of x_{i+1}. While the implicit scheme does not provide better accuracy than the explicit scheme, it comes with additional computations. However, one advantage is that this scheme is always stable.

The following Mathematica code adopts the implicit Euler scheme and uses the built-in FindRoot function to solve for x_{i+1}. The code is similar to the code provided for the explicit scheme except for the line to calculate x_{i+1}.

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Example 1

Repeat Example 1 above using the implicit Euler method.


When k=0.015, the IVP is given by:

    \[\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t}=0.015 x\]

Given a value for x_i at t_i, and taking h=t_{i+1}-t_i=1, the estimate for x_{i+1} can be calculated according to the formula:


Rearranging yields:


With x_0=35 million and t_0=0 years, the estimate for the population at t=1 years using the implicit Euler method is given by:


at t=2 years, the value of x_2 in millions is given by:


Proceeding iteratively, the following is the Excel table showing the values of the population up to t=50 years.


When k=0.015, the implicit method provides an error similar to that of the explicit method:

    \[\begin{split}E&=35e^{(0.015\times 50)}-74.517=74.095-74.517=-0.4\\E_r&=\frac{-0.4}{74.095}=-0.005\end{split}\]

When k=0.05, the IVP is given by:

    \[\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t}=0.05 x\]

Given a value for x_i at t_i, and taking h=t_{i+1}-t_i=1, the estimate for x_{i+1} can be calculated according to the formula:


Rearranging yields:


With x_0=35 million and t_0=0 years, the estimate for the population at t=1 years using the implicit Euler method is given by:


at t=2 years, the value of x_2 in millions is given by:


Proceeding iteratively, the following is the Excel table showing the values of the population up to t=50 years.


Again, the error produced by the implicit method is comparable to that produced by the explicit method shown above:

    \[\begin{split}E&=35e^{(0.05\times 50)}-454.871=426.387-454.871=-28.483\\E_r&=\frac{-28.483}{426.387}=-0.07\end{split}\]

The following is the graph showing the exact solution versus the data using both the implicit (blue dots) and the explicit (black dots) Euler method for both values of k.

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The following tool illustrates the effect of choosing the step size h on the difference between the numerical solution obtained using the implicit methods (shown as dots) and the exact solution (shown as the blue curve) for the case when k=0.05. The smaller the step size, the more accurate the solution is. The higher the value of h, the more the numerical solution deviates from the exact solution. The error increases away from the initial conditions.

Example 2

Repeat Example 2 above using the implicit Euler method.


Recall that the IVP for this problem is given by:

    \[\frac{\mathrm{d}c}{\mathrm{d}t}=\frac{\left(100+50\cos{(2\pi t/365)}\right)}{10000}\left(5e^{\left(\frac{-2t}{1000}\right)}-c\right)\]

Taking h=1 day, c_{i+1} can be predicted for a given value of c_i using the implicit Euler method as follows:

    \[c_{i+1}=c_i+h\frac{\mathrm{d}c}{\mathrm{d}t}\bigg|_{c=c_{i+1},t=t_{i+1}}=c_i+\frac{\left(100+50\cos{(2\pi t_{i+1}/365)}\right)}{10000}\left(5e^{\left(\frac{-2t_{i+1}}{1000}\right)}-c_{i+1}\right)\]


    \[c_{i+1}=\frac{c_i+\frac{\left(100+50\cos{(2\pi t_{i+1}/365)}\right)}{10000}\left(5e^{\left(\frac{-2t_{i+1}}{1000}\right)}\right)}{1+\frac{\left(100+50\cos{(2\pi t_{i+1}/365)}\right)}{10000}}\]

With t_0=0 and c_0=5 ppb, c_1 is calculated as:

    \[ c_1=\frac{5+0.015\left(5e^{\left(\frac{-2(1)}{1000}\right)}\right)}{1+0.015}=4.9999\]

Proceeding iteratively produces the following graph with results almost identical to those produced by the explicit method. You can download the Microsoft Excel file example2implicit.xlsx showing the calculations.


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Example 3

We will repeat Example 3 above to illustrate that the implicit Euler method is always stable.
Consider the IVP of the form:


If x_0=1, compare the two solutions taking a step size of h=0.1, and a step size of h=3.


Using an implicit Euler scheme, the value of x_{i+1} can be obtained as follows:

    \[x_{i+1}=x_i+h\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t}\bigg|_{x_{i+1}}=x_i-h x_{i+1}\Rightarrow x_{i+1}=\frac{x_i}{(1+h)}=\frac{x_{i-1}}{(1+h)(1+h)}\]



h is a positive number. Therefore, the term \frac{1}{(1+h)^{i+1}} is bounded for every i and therefore, x_{i+1} is bounded. The following tool illustrates the difference between the obtained result for t\in[0,10]. Vary the value of h and notice how the obtained solution (black dots) compares to the exact solution (blue curve). While the accuracy is lost with higher values of h, the solution maintains numerical stability.



Example 4

Consider the following nonlinear IVP:


with the initial condition x(0)=-5. Find the values of x for t\in[0,5] taking h=0.1 using the implicit Euler method.


Using Mathematica, the exact solution to the differential equation given can be obtained as:


The implicit Euler scheme provides the following estimate for x_{i+1}:


Since x_{i+1} appears on both sides, and the equation is nonlinear in x_{i+1}, therefore, the Newton-Raphson method will be used at each time increment to find the value of x_{i+1}!
Setting x_0=-5, h=0.1, t_0=0, and t_1=0.1 yields:

    \[x_1=-5+0.1(0.1 x_1^2+2x_1)\]

Solving the above nonlinear equation in x_1 using the Newton-Raphson method yields:


Similarly, with t_2=0.2, the equation for x_2 is:


Using the Newton-Raphson method:


Proceeding iteratively produces the following table:


The following is the plot of the exact solution (blue line) with the data obtained using the implicit Euler method. The Mathematica code is given below.


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Page Comments

  1. Evalistus Simon says:

    This was so helpful to me, thanks

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