Polynomial Interpolation: Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials
Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials
Another equivalent method to find the interpolating polynomials is using the Lagrange Polynomials. Given data points:
, then the Lagrange polynomial of degree
that fits through the
data points has the form:
In the following Mathematica code a Lagrange polynomial procedure is created to output the Lagrange polynomials.
View Mathematica CodeData = {{1, 3}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 8}, {7, 8}}; Lagrange[anydata_] := Sum[anydata[[i, 2]]*LP[anydata, i], {i, 1, Length[anydata]}] LP[anydata_, i_] := (newdata = Drop[anydata, {i}]; Product[(x - newdata[[j, 1]])/(anydata[[i, 1]] - newdata[[j, 1]]), {j, 1, Length[newdata]}]) (*Using the Lagrange polynomial function*) y = Expand[Lagrange[Data]] (*Using the interpolating polynomial built-in function*) y2 = Expand[InterpolatingPolynomial[Data, x]]
import numpy as np import sympy as sp sp.init_printing(use_latex=True) x = sp.symbols('x') Data = [(1, 3), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 8), (7, 8)] def Lagrange(anydata): return sum([anydata[i][1]*LP(anydata,i) for i in range(len(anydata))]) def LP(anydata, i): newdata = anydata.copy() newdata.pop(i) return np.prod([(x - newdata[j][0])/(anydata[i][0] - newdata[j][0]) for j in range(len(newdata))]) # Using the Lagrange polynomial function display("y: ",sp.expand(Lagrange(Data))) # Using the interpolating polynomial built-in function display("y2: ",sp.interpolate(Data, x))
The Lagrange interpolating polynomials produce the same polynomial as the general method and the Newton’s interpolating polynomials. The examples used for the Newton’s interpolating polynomials will be repeated here.
Example 1
Using Lagrange interpolating polynomials, find the interpolating polynomial to the data: (1,1),(2,5).
We have two data points, so, we will create a polynomial of the first degree. Therefore, the interpolating polynomial has the form:
Example 2
Using Lagrange interpolating polynomials, find the interpolating polynomial to the data: (1,1),(2,5),(3,2).
We have three data points, so, we will create a polynomial of the second degree. Using Lagrange polynomials:
Example 3
Using Lagrange polynomials, find the interpolating polynomial to the data: (1,1),(2,5),(3,2),(3.2,7),(3.9,4).
A fourth order polynomial would be needed to pass through five data points. Using Lagrange polynomials, the required function has the form: