Approximate Methods: The Rayleigh Ritz Method: Euler Bernoulli Beams under Lateral Loading
Learning Outcomes
- Describe the steps required to find an approximate solution for a beam system (and the extension to a continuum) using the Rayleigh Ritz method. (Step1: Assume a displacement function, apply the BC. Step 2: Write the expression for the PE of the system. Step 3: Find the minimizers of the PE of the system.)
- Employ the RR method to compute an approximate solution for the displacement in an Euler Bernoulli beam(and the extension to a continuum).
- Differentiate between the requirement for an approximate solution and an exact solution.
Euler Bernoulli Beams under Lateral Loading
For plane Euler Bernoulli beams under lateral loading, the unknown displacement function is . In this case, the potential energy of the system has the following form (See Euler Bernoulli Beam and energy expressions):

Example 1: Cantilever Beam
Let a beam with a length and a constant cross sectional parameters area
and moment of inertia
be aligned with the coordinate axis
. Assume that the beam is subjected to a constant force of value
applied at the end
in the direction shown in the figure. Assume that the bar is fixed (rotation and displacement are equal to zero) at the end
. Find the displacement, rotation, bending moment, and shearing forces on the beam by directly solving the differential equation of equilibrium and then using the Rayleigh Ritz method assuming polynomials of the degrees (0,1, 2, 3, and 4). Assume the beam to be linear elastic with Young’s modulus
and that the Euler Bernoulli Beam is an appropriate beam approximation.

Exact Solution:
First, the exact solution that would satisfy the equilibrium equations can be obtained. The equilibrium equation as shown in the Euler Bernoulli beam section when and
are constant is:

The Rayleigh Ritz Method:
The first step in the Rayleigh Ritz method finds the minimizer of the potential energy of the system which can be written as:

Polynomials of the Zero and First Degrees:
If we assume that

Polynomial of the Second Degree:
The approximate solution forms for the displacement , the rotation
, the moment
, and the shear force
functions if
is assumed to be a polynomial of the second degree are:

Polynomial of the Third Degree:
The approximate solution forms for the displacement , the rotation
, the moment
, and the shear force
functions if
is assumed to be a polynomial of the third degree are:

Polynomial of the Fourth Degree:
The approximate solution forms for the displacement , the rotation
, the moment
, and the shear force
functions if
is assumed to be a polynomial of the fourth degree are:

View Mathematica Code
(*Exact Solution*)Clear[a, x, V, M, P, y, L, EI] M = EI*D[y[x], {x, 2}]; V = EI*D[y[x], {x, 3}]; th = D[y[x], x]; q = 0; M1 = M /. x -> 0; M2 = M /. x -> L; V1 = V /. x -> 0; V2 = V /. x -> L; y1 = y[x] /. x -> 0; y2 = y[x] /. x -> L; th1 = th /. x -> 0; th2 = th /. x -> L; s = DSolve[{EI*y''''[x] == q, y1 == 0, th1 == 0, V2 == P, M2 == 0}, y, x]; y = y[x] /. s[[1]] th = D[y, x] M = EI*D[y, {x, 2}] V = EI*D[y, {x, 3}] (*Second Degree*) Clear[y, x, M, V, th, EI, PE] y = a2*x^2 th = D[y, x]; M = EI*D[y, {x, 2}]; V = EI*D[y, {x, 3}]; PE = EI/2*Integrate[D[y, {x, 2}]^2, {x, 0, L}] + P*(y /. x -> L); Eq2 = D[PE, a2]; Sol = Solve[{Eq2 == 0}, {a2}] y = y /. Sol[[1]] th /. Sol[[1]] FullSimplify[M /. Sol[[1]]] FullSimplify[V /. Sol[[1]]] (*Third Degree*) Clear[y, x, M, V, th, EI, PE] y = a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 th = D[y, x]; M = EI*D[y, {x, 2}]; V = EI*D[y, {x, 3}]; PE = EI/2*Integrate[D[y, {x, 2}]^2, {x, 0, L}] + P*(y /. x -> L); Eq1 = D[PE, a3]; Eq2 = D[PE, a2]; Sol = Solve[{Eq1 == 0, Eq2 == 0}, {a3, a2}] y = y /. Sol[[1]] th /. Sol[[1]] FullSimplify[M /. Sol[[1]]] FullSimplify[V /. Sol[[1]]] (*Fourth Degree*) Clear[y, x, M, V, th, EI, PE] y = a4*x^4 + a3*x^3 + a2*x^2 th = D[y, x]; M = EI*D[y, {x, 2}]; V = EI*D[y, {x, 3}]; PE = EI/2*Integrate[D[y, {x, 2}]^2, {x, 0, L}] + P*(y /. x -> L); Eq1 = D[PE, a3]; Eq2 = D[PE, a2]; Eq3 = D[PE, a4]; Sol = Solve[{Eq1 == 0, Eq2 == 0, Eq3 == 0}, {a3, a2, a4}] y = y /. Sol[[1]] th /. Sol[[1]] FullSimplify[M /. Sol[[1]]] FullSimplify[V /. Sol[[1]]]
View Python Code
from sympy import * import sympy as sp sp.init_printing(use_latex = "mathjax") x, EI, P, q, a2, a3, a4 = symbols("x EI P q a_2 a_3 a_4") display("Exact") y = Function("y") th = y(x).diff(x) M = EI*y(x).diff(x,2) V = EI*y(x).diff(x,3) q = 0 M1 = M.subs(x,0) M2 = M.subs(x,L) V1 = V.subs(x,0) V2 = V.subs(x,L) y1 = y(x).subs(x,0) y2 = y(x).subs(x,L) th1 = th.subs(x,0) th2 = th.subs(x,L) s = dsolve(EI*y(x).diff(x,4) - q, y(x), ics = {y1:0, th1:0, V2/EI:P/EI, M2/EI:0}) y = s.rhs th = y.diff(x) M = EI * y.diff(x,2) V = EI * y.diff(x,3) display("y,th,M,V: ", y,th,M,V) display("Second Degree") y2 = a2*x**2 PE2 = (EI/2)*integrate(y2.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L))+P*y2.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE2) Eq2 = PE2.diff(a2) Sol = solve(Eq2, a2) display("a2", Sol) y2 = y2.subs(a2,Sol[0]) th = y2.diff(x) M = EI * y2.diff(x,2) V = EI * y2.diff(x,3) display("y,th,M,V: ", y2,th,M,V) display("Third Degree") y3 = a3*x**3+a2*x**2 PE3 = (EI/2)*integrate(y3.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L))+P*y3.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE3) Eq1_3 = PE3.diff(a3) Eq2_3 = PE3.diff(a2) Sol = solve((Eq1_3, Eq2_3), (a2,a3)) display("a2,a3:", Sol) y3 = y3.subs({a2:Sol[a2], a3:Sol[a3]}) th = y3.diff(x) M = EI * y3.diff(x,2) V = EI * y3.diff(x,3) display("y,th,M,V: ", y3,th,M,V) display("Fourth Degree") y4 = a4*x**4+a3*x**3+a2*x**2 PE4 = (EI/2)*integrate(y4.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L))+P*y4.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE4) Eq1_4 = PE4.diff(a3) Eq2_4 = PE4.diff(a2) Eq3_4 = PE4.diff(a4) Sol = solve((Eq1_4, Eq2_4, Eq3_4), (a2,a3,a4)) display("a2,a3, a4:", Sol) y4 = y4.subs({a2:Sol[a2], a3:Sol[a3], a4:Sol[a4]}) th = y4.diff(x) M = EI * y4.diff(x,2) V = EI * y4.diff(x,3) display("y,th,M,V: ", y3,th,M,V)
Example 2: Simple Beam
Let a beam with a length and a constant moment of inertia
be aligned with the coordinate axis
. Assume that the beam is subjected to a distributed load
.(Notice that the negative sign was added since
is positive when it is in the direction of positive
). Assume that the beam is hinged at the ends
. Find the displacement, rotation, bending moment, and shearing forces on the beam by directly solving the differential equation of equilibrium and then using the Rayleigh Ritz method assuming polynomials of the degrees (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4). Assume the beam to be linear elastic with Young’s modulus
and that the Euler Bernoulli Beam is an appropriate beam approximation. Compare the Rayleigh Ritz method with the exact solution.

Exact Solution:
First, the exact solution that would satisfy the equilibrium equations can be obtained. The equilibrium equation as shown in the Euler Bernoulli beam section when and
are constant is:

The Rayleigh Ritz Method:
The first step in the Rayleigh Ritz method finds the minimizer of the potential energy of the system which can be written as:

Polynomials of the Zero and First Degrees:
If we assume that

Polynomial of Higher Degrees:
Similar to the previous examples, the coefficients are obtained by first satisfying the essential boundary conditions. Then, the remaining coefficients are obtained by minimizing the potential energy of the system. As shown in the plots below, the second and third degree trial functions give the same result, while the fourth and fifth degree trial functions give the same result. The solution is shown to give the accurate result when a polynomial of the fourth or higher degree is used.

View Mathematica Code
Eq1=y/.x-> 0;
Eq2=y/.x-> L;
Eq3=EI*D[y,{x,2}]/.x-> 0;
Eq4=EI*D[y,{x,2}]/.x-> L;
(*Second Degree*)
s=Solve[{(y2/.x-> 0)==0,(y2/.x->L)==0},{a0,a1}];
(*Third Degree*)
s=Solve[{(y3/.x-> 0)==0,(y3/.x->L)==0},{a0,a1}];
(*fourth Degree*)
s=Solve[{(y4/.x-> 0)==0,(y4/.x->L)==0},{a0,a1}];
(*fifth Degree*)
s=Solve[{(y5/.x-> 0)==0,(y5/.x->L)==0},{a0,a1}];
EI = 200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000;
q = -25*1000;
L = 10;
Plot[{y,y2,y4},{x,0,L},AxesLabel-> {"x (m)","y (m)"},PlotLegends->{Style["Exact y",Bold,12],Style["y2",Bold,12],Style["y4",Bold,12]}] Plot[{theta,theta2,theta4},{x,0,L},AxesLabel-> {"x (m)","theta"},PlotLegends-> {Style["Exact theta",Bold,12],Style["theta 2",Bold,12],Style["theta 4",Bold,12]}]
Plot[{M,M2,M4},{x,0,L},AxesLabel-> {"x (m)","M (N.m.)"},PlotLegends-> {Style["Exact M",Bold,12],Style["M2",Bold,12],Style["M4",Bold,12]}] Plot[{V,V2,V4},{x,0,L},AxesLabel-> {"x (m)","V (N)"},PlotLegends->{Style["Exact V",Bold,12],Style["V 2",Bold,12],Style["V4",Bold,12]}]
View Python Code
from sympy import * from numpy import * import sympy as sp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sp.init_printing(use_latex = "mathjax") x, EI, P, q, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, c1, c2, c3, c4 = symbols("x EI P q a_0 a_1 a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 c_1 c_2 c_3 c_4") display("Exact") y = (q*x**4/24+c1*x**3/6+c2*x**2/2+c3*x+c4)/EI Eq1 = y.subs(x,0) Eq2 = y.subs(x,L) Eq3 = EI * y.diff(x,2).subs(x,0) Eq4 = EI * y.diff(x,2).subs(x,L) a = solve((Eq1,Eq2,Eq3,Eq4), (c1,c2,c3,c4)) display("constants: ", a) y = y.subs({c1:a[c1], c2:a[c2], c3:a[c3], c4:a[c4]}) theta = y.diff(x) M = EI*y.diff(x,2) V = EI*y.diff(x,3) display("y,theta,M,V: ", y,theta,M,V) display("Second Degree") y2 = a2*x**2+a1*x+a0 s = solve((y2.subs(x,0), y2.subs(x,L)), (a0, a1)) display("a0, a1", s) y2 = y2.subs({a0:s[a0], a1:s[a1]}) PE2 = (EI/2)*integrate(y2.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L)) - integrate(q*y2, (x,0,L)) display("Potential Energy: ", PE2) Eq1_2 = PE2.diff(a2) a = solve(Eq1_2, a2) y2 = y2.subs(a2,a[0]) theta2 = y2.diff(x) M2 = EI*y2.diff(x,2) V2 = EI*y2.diff(x,3) display("y,theta,M,V: ", y2,theta2,M2,V2) display("Third Degree") y3 = a3*x**3+a2*x**2+a1*x+a0 s = solve((y3.subs(x,0), y3.subs(x,L)), (a0, a1)) display("a0, a1", s) y3 = y3.subs({a0:s[a0], a1:s[a1]}) PE3 = (EI/2)*integrate(y3.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L)) - integrate(q*y3, (x,0,L)) display("Potential Energy: ", PE3) Eq1_3 = PE3.diff(a2) Eq2_3 = PE3.diff(a3) a = solve((Eq1_3, Eq2_3), (a2,a3)) y3 = y3.subs({a2:a[a2], a3:a[a3]}) theta3 = y3.diff(x) M3 = EI*y3.diff(x,2) V3 = EI*y3.diff(x,3) display("y,theta,M,V: ", y3,theta3,M3,V3) display("Fourth Degree") y4 = a4*x**4+a3*x**3+a2*x**2+a1*x+a0 s = solve((y4.subs(x,0), y4.subs(x,L)), (a0, a1)) display("a0, a1", s) y4 = y4.subs({a0:s[a0], a1:s[a1]}) PE4 = (EI/2)*integrate(y4.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L)) - integrate(q*y4, (x,0,L)) display("Potential Energy: ", PE4) Eq1_4 = PE4.diff(a2) Eq2_4 = PE4.diff(a3) Eq3_4 = PE4.diff(a4) a = solve((Eq1_4, Eq2_4, Eq3_4), (a2,a3, a4)) y4 = y4.subs({a2:a[a2], a3:a[a3], a4:a[a4]}) theta4 = y4.diff(x) M4 = EI*y4.diff(x,2) V4 = EI*y4.diff(x,3) display("y,theta,M,V: ", y4,theta4,M4,V4) display("Fifth Degree") y5 = a5*x**5+a4*x**4+a3*x**3+a2*x**2+a1*x+a0 s = solve((y5.subs(x,0), y5.subs(x,L)), (a0, a1)) display("a0, a1", s) y5 = y5.subs({a0:s[a0], a1:s[a1]}) PE5 = (EI/2)*integrate(y5.diff(x,2)**2, (x,0,L)) - integrate(q*y5, (x,0,L)) display("Potential Energy: ", PE5) Eq1_5 = PE5.diff(a2) Eq2_5 = PE5.diff(a3) Eq3_5 = PE5.diff(a4) Eq4_5 = PE5.diff(a5) a = solve((Eq1_5, Eq2_5, Eq3_5, Eq4_5), (a2,a3,a4,a5)) y5 = y5.subs({a2:a[a2], a3:a[a3], a4:a[a4], a5:a[a5]}) theta5 = y5.diff(x) M5 = EI*y5.diff(x,2) V5 = EI*y5.diff(x,3) display("y,theta,M,V: ", y5,theta5,M5,V5) # Sub graphed things in y = y.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) y2 = y2.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) y4 = y4.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) theta = theta.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) theta2 = theta2.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) theta4 = theta4.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) M = M.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) M2 = M2.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) M4 = M4.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) V = V.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) V2 = V2.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) V4 = V4.subs({EI:200000*1000000*4*100000000/1000000000000, L:10, q:-25*100}) #Graph fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize = (10,6)) plt.setp(ax[0,0], xlabel = "x(m) ", ylabel = "y(m)") plt.setp(ax[0,1], xlabel = "x(m)", ylabel = "theta") plt.setp(ax[1,0], xlabel = "x(m)", ylabel = "M(N*m)") plt.setp(ax[1,1], xlabel = "x(m)", ylabel = "V(N)") x1 = np.arange(0,10.1,0.1) y_list = [y.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y2_list = [y2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y4_list = [y4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] theta_list = [theta.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] theta2_list = [theta2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] theta4_list = [theta4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M_list = [M.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M2_list = [M2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M4_list = [M4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V_list = [V.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V2_list = [V2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V4_list = [V4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] ax[0,0].plot(x1, y_list, 'blue', label = "Exact y") ax[0,0].plot(x1, y2_list, 'orange', label = "y2") ax[0,0].plot(x1, y4_list, 'green', label = "y4") ax[0,0].legend() ax[0,1].plot(x1, theta_list, 'blue', label = "Exact theta") ax[0,1].plot(x1, theta2_list, 'orange', label = "theta 2") ax[0,1].plot(x1, theta4_list, 'green', label = "theta 4") ax[0,1].legend() ax[1,0].plot(x1, M_list, 'blue', label = "Exact M") ax[1,0].plot(x1, M2_list, 'orange', label = "M2") ax[1,0].plot(x1, M4_list, 'green', label = "M4") ax[1,0].legend() ax[1,1].plot(x1, V_list, 'blue', label = "Exact V") ax[1,1].plot(x1, V2_list, 'orange', label = "V2") ax[1,1].plot(x1, V4_list, 'green', label = "V4") ax[1,1].legend()
Example 3: Cantilever Beam with a Varying Cross Sectional Area
Let a beam with a length and with a constant width
and a linearly varying height (
) be aligned with the coordinate axis
. Assume that the beam has a fixed left end and had a shearing load acting downwards of 10kN on its right end. Find the displacement, bending moment, and shearing force on the beam by directly solving the differential equation of equilibrium and then using the Rayleigh Ritz method assuming polynomials of the degrees (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Assume the beam to be linear elastic with Young’s modulus
and that the Euler Bernoulli Beam is an appropriate beam approximation. Compare the Rayleigh Ritz method with the exact solution.

Exact Solution:
First, the exact solution that would satisfy the equilibrium equations can be obtained. The equilibrium equation as shown in the Euler Bernoulli beam section apply only when and
are constant. Since
is variable, the differential equation has the form:

The Rayleigh Ritz Method:
The first step in the Rayleigh Ritz method finds the minimizer of the potential energy of the system which can be written as:

Polynomials of the Zero and First Degrees:
If we assume that

Polynomial of the Second Degree:
The approximate solution forms for the displacement , the rotation
, the moment
, and the shear force
functions if
is assumed to be a polynomial of the second degree are:

The approximate solution forms for the displacement

Polynomials of the Fourth Degree:
The approximate solution forms for the displacement , the rotation
, the moment
, and the shear force
functions if
is assumed to be a polynomial of the fourth degree are:

Approximate solutions using higher order polynomials can be obtained similarly. The following plots show the convergence of the polynomial functions to the exact solution up to a polynomial of the sixth degree (Mathematica code is given below). In the first plot, it is clear that a polynomial of the second degree is capable of capturing the displacement quite accurately. However, the corresponding approximate solutions for the moment and shear are not as accurate. The accuracy of the approximate solution for the bending moment is higher than that for the shearing force and that is because the moment is related to the second derivative of while the shear is related to the third derivative of
. It takes up to a polynomial of the seventh degree for
for the approximate shearing force to have a flat distribution similar to the exact solution.

View Mathematica Code
b = 1/4;
L = 8;
t = (1/2 - 1/4*X1/L);
Ii = b*t^3/12;
Ee = 20*10^9;
P = 10000;
a = DSolve[{D[Ee*Ii*y''[X1], {X1, 2}] == 0, y[0] == 0, y'[0] == 0, y''[L] == 0, (D[Ee*Ii, X1] /. X1 -> L)*y''[L] + (Ee*Ii /. X1 -> L)*y'''[L] == P}, y[X1], X1, Assumptions -> 0 <= X1 <= L]
y = FullSimplify[Chop[N[y[X1] /. a[[1]]]]]
th = D[y, X1];
M = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y, {X1, 2}]]
V = FullSimplify[D[M, X1]]
Plot[y, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact"}]
Plot[M, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact"}]
Plot[V, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact"}]
Print["Second Order Polynomial"]
y2 = a2*X1^2;
d2y = D[y2, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y2 /. X1 -> L;
sol = Solve[D[PE, a2] == 0, a2]
y2 = y2 /. sol[[1]]
M2 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y2, {X1, 2}]]
V2 = FullSimplify[D[M2, X1]]
Plot[{y, y2}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y2"}]
Plot[{M, M2}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M2"}]
Plot[{V, V2}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V2"}]
Print["Third Order Polynomial"]
y3 = a2*X1^2 + a3*X1^3;
d2y = D[y3, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y3 /. X1 -> L;
sol = Solve[{D[PE, a2] == 0, D[PE, a3] == 0}, {a2, a3}]
y3 = y3 /. sol[[1]]
M3 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y3, {X1, 2}]]
V3 = FullSimplify[D[M3, X1]]
Plot[{y, y3}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y3"}]
Plot[{M, M3}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M3"}]
Plot[{V, V3}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V3"}]
Print["Fourth Order Polynomial"]
y4 = a2*X1^2 + a3*X1^3 + a4*X1^4;
d2y = D[y4, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y4 /. X1 -> L;
sol = Solve[{D[PE, a2] == 0, D[PE, a3] == 0, D[PE, a4] == 0}, {a2, a3, a4}]
y4 = y4 /. sol[[1]]
M4 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y4, {X1, 2}]]
V4 = FullSimplify[D[M4, X1]]
Plot[{y, y4}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y4"}]
Plot[{M, M4}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M4"}]
Plot[{V, V4}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V4"}]
Print["Fifth Order Polynomial"]
y5 = a2*X1^2 + a3*X1^3 + a4*X1^4 + a5*X1^5;
d2y = D[y5, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y5 /. X1 -> L; sol = Solve[{D[PE, a2] == 0, D[PE, a3] == 0, D[PE, a4] == 0, D[PE, a5] == 0}, {a2, a3, a4, a5}]
y5 = y5 /. sol[[1]]
M5 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y5, {X1, 2}]]
V5 = FullSimplify[D[M5, X1]]
Plot[{y, y5}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y5"}]
Plot[{M, M5}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M5"}]
Plot[{V, V5}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V5"}]
Print["Sixth Order Polynomial"]
y6 = a2*X1^2 + a3*X1^3 + a4*X1^4 + a5*X1^5 + a6*X1^6;
d2y = D[y6, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y6 /. X1 -> L; sol = Solve[{D[PE, a2] == 0, D[PE, a3] == 0, D[PE, a4] == 0, D[PE, a5] == 0, D[PE, a6] == 0}, {a2, a3, a4, a5, a6}]
y6 = y6 /. sol[[1]]
M6 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y6, {X1, 2}]]
V6 = FullSimplify[D[M6, X1]]
Plot[{y, y6}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y6"}]
Plot[{M, M6}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M6"}]
Plot[{V, V6}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V6"}]
Print["Seventh Order Polynomial"]
y7 = a2*X1^2 + a3*X1^3 + a4*X1^4 + a5*X1^5 + a6*X1^6 + a7*X1^7; d2y = D[y7, {X1, 2}];
PE = Integrate[Ee*Ii/2*d2y^2, {X1, 0, L}] - (-P)*y7 /. X1 -> L;
sol = Solve[{D[PE, a2] == 0, D[PE, a3] == 0, D[PE, a4] == 0, D[PE, a5] == 0, D[PE, a6] == 0, D[PE, a7] == 0}, {a2, a3, a4, a5,a6, a7}]
y7 = y7 /. sol[[1]]
M7 = FullSimplify[Ee*Ii*D[y7, {X1, 2}]]
V7 = FullSimplify[D[M7, X1]]
Plot[{y, y7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y7"}]
Plot[{M, M7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M7"}]
Plot[{V, V7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange -> {{0, L}, {0, 2 P}}, PlotLabel -> "Shear V", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"}, PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V7"}]
Plot[{y, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Displacement y", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "y (m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"y exact", "y2", "y3", "y4", "y5", "y6", "y7"}]
Plot[{M, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotLabel -> "Moment M", AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "M (N.m)"}, PlotLegends -> {"M exact", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M7"}]
Plot[{V,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7}, {X1, 0, L}, PlotRange ->{{0, L}, {0, 2 P}},PlotLabel->"Shear V",AxesLabel -> {"X1 (m)", "V (N)"},PlotLegends -> {"V exact", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7"}]
View Python Code
from sympy import * from numpy import * import sympy as sp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sp.init_printing(use_latex = "mathjax") x, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, EI, L, E= symbols("x a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 a_6 a_7 EI L E") display("Exact") b = 1/4 L = 8 t = (1/2-1/4*x/L) I = b*t**3/12 E = 20*10**9 P = 10000 # Exact solution done in mathematica code y = (34.8872 + (-2.96688 + 0.036864*x)*x + (-12.5829 + 0.786432*x)*sp.ln(16-x))/(x-16) M = -80000 + 10000*x V = M.diff(x) display("y,M,V: ", y, M, V) display("Second Order Polynomial") y2 = a2*x**2 d2y = y2.diff(x,2) PE2 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y2.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE2) sol = solve(PE2.diff(a2), a2) y2 = y2.subs(a2,sol[0]) M2 = E*I*y2.diff(x,2) V2 = M2.diff(x) display("y2,M2,V2: ", y2, M2, V2) display("Third Order Polynomial") y3 = a2*x**2+a3*x**3 d2y = y3.diff(x,2) PE3 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y3.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE3) sol = solve((PE3.diff(a2), PE3.diff(a3)), (a2,a3)) y3 = y3.subs({a2:sol[a2], a3:sol[a3]}) M3 = E*I*y3.diff(x,2) V3 = M3.diff(x) display("y3,M3,V3: ", y3, M3, V3) display("Fourth Order Polynomial") y4 = a2*x**2+a3*x**3+a4*x**4 d2y = y4.diff(x,2) PE4 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y4.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE4) sol = solve((PE4.diff(a2), PE4.diff(a3), PE4.diff(a4)), (a2,a3,a4)) y4 = y4.subs({a2:sol[a2], a3:sol[a3], a4:sol[a4]}) M4 = E*I*y4.diff(x,2) V4 = M4.diff(x) display("y4,M4,V4: ", y4, M4, V4) display("Fifth Order Polynomial") y5 = a2*x**2+a3*x**3+a4*x**4+a5*x**5 d2y = y5.diff(x,2) PE5 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y5.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE5) sol = solve((PE5.diff(a2), PE5.diff(a3), PE5.diff(a4), PE5.diff(a5)), (a2,a3,a4,a5)) y5 = y5.subs({a2:sol[a2], a3:sol[a3], a4:sol[a4], a5:sol[a5]}) M5 = E*I*y5.diff(x,2) V5 = M5.diff(x) display("y5,M5,V5: ", y5, M5, V5) display("Sixth Order Polynomial") y6 = a2*x**2+a3*x**3+a4*x**4+a5*x**5+a6*x**6 d2y = y6.diff(x,2) PE6 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y6.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE6) sol = solve((PE6.diff(a2), PE6.diff(a3), PE6.diff(a4), PE6.diff(a5), PE6.diff(a6)), (a2,a3,a4,a5,a6)) y6 = y6.subs({a2:sol[a2], a3:sol[a3], a4:sol[a4], a5:sol[a5], a6:sol[a6]}) M6 = E*I*y6.diff(x,2) V6 = M6.diff(x) display("y6,M6,V6: ", y6, M6, V6) display("Seventh Order Polynomial") y7 = a2*x**2+a3*x**3+a4*x**4+a5*x**5+a6*x**6+a7*x**7 d2y = y7.diff(x,2) PE7 = integrate(E*I/2*d2y**2, (x,0,L)) - (-P)*y7.subs(x,L) display("Potential Energy: ", PE7) sol = solve((PE7.diff(a2), PE7.diff(a3), PE7.diff(a4), PE7.diff(a5), PE7.diff(a6), PE7.diff(a7)), (a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7)) y7 = y7.subs({a2:sol[a2], a3:sol[a3], a4:sol[a4], a5:sol[a5], a6:sol[a6], a7:sol[a7]}) M7 = E*I*y7.diff(x,2) V7 = M7.diff(x) display("y7,M7,V7: ", y7, M7, V7) #Graph fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize = (10,15)) plt.setp(ax[0], xlabel = "x(m) ", ylabel = "y(m)") plt.setp(ax[1], xlabel = "x(m)", ylabel = "M(N*m)") plt.setp(ax[2], xlabel = "x(m)", ylabel = "V(N)") x1 = np.arange(0,8.1,0.1) y_list = [y.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y2_list = [y2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y3_list = [y3.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y4_list = [y4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y5_list = [y5.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y6_list = [y6.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] y7_list = [y7.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M_list = [M.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M2_list = [M2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M3_list = [M3.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M4_list = [M4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M5_list = [M5.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M6_list = [M6.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] M7_list = [M7.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V_list = [V.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V2_list = [V2.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V3_list = [V3.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V4_list = [V4.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V5_list = [V5.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V6_list = [V6.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] V7_list = [V7.subs({x:i}) for i in x1] ax[0].plot(x1, y_list, 'blue', label = "Exact y") ax[0].plot(x1, y2_list, 'orange', label = "y2") ax[0].plot(x1, y3_list, 'green', label = "y3") ax[0].plot(x1, y4_list, 'red', label = "y4") ax[0].plot(x1, y5_list, 'purple', label = "y5") ax[0].plot(x1, y6_list, 'brown', label = "y6") ax[0].plot(x1, y7_list, 'cyan', label = "y7") ax[0].legend() ax[1].plot(x1, M_list, 'blue', label = "Exact M") ax[1].plot(x1, M2_list, 'orange', label = "y2") ax[1].plot(x1, M3_list, 'green', label = "y3") ax[1].plot(x1, M4_list, 'red', label = "y4") ax[1].plot(x1, M5_list, 'purple', label = "y5") ax[1].plot(x1, M6_list, 'brown', label = "y6") ax[1].plot(x1, M7_list, 'cyan', label = "y7") ax[1].legend() ax[2].plot(x1, V_list, 'blue', label = "Exact V") ax[2].plot(x1, V2_list, 'orange', label = "y2") ax[2].plot(x1, V3_list, 'green', label = "y3") ax[2].plot(x1, V4_list, 'red', label = "y4") ax[2].plot(x1, V5_list, 'purple', label = "y5") ax[2].plot(x1, V6_list, 'brown', label = "y6") ax[2].plot(x1, V7_list, 'cyan', label = "y7") ax[2].legend()