Stress: Videos and Tutorials
In the following video, I introduce the three dimensional Cauchy Stress tensor, the traction vector, the normal stress and the shear stress. A few examples showing the hydrostatic state of stress and the diagonalization of the stress matrix are presented.
In the following video, I introduce the traditional stress invariants: the hydrostatic stress, the von Mises stress and the maximum shear stress. I also discuss how to find the orientation of the maximum shear stress using matrix manipulations.
In the following video, I introduce the traditional stress based failure criteria: The von-Mises and the Tresca failure criteria. At the end of the lecture I introduce the concept of “true” and “engineering” stress and strain.
In the following short tutorial, I show you how to use Mathematica to find the traction vector, the normal stress and the shear stress on a plane. Then, I show how to create a general function in Mathematica to calculate the vonMises stress.