Linear Maps between vector spaces: Higher Order Tensors
First and Second Order Tensors in 
For the discussion in this section, we will assume a right handed orthonormal basis set and an alternate right handed orthonormal basis set
. The two basis sets are related by the matrix Q whose components
If has components
in the basis set set
, and
is the representation of
in the basis set
with components
, then, these components are related with the relationship:
Similarly, consider the tensor . If its matrix representation
has components
is chosen as the basis set for
, and if
is the matrix representation with components
is chosen as the basis set for
, then, these components are related with the relationship:
Vectors in have
independent components and are called first order tensors. Linear operators from
independent components and are termed second order tensors.
Third Order Tensors in 
The linear map where
is the set of all linear operators
is called a third order tensor.
In the following we will show how the components of change when the orthonormal basis set for the underlying space
is changed.
The matrix representation of when
is chosen as the basis set for
independent components
such that
such that:
Similarly, If is chosen as the basis set, then the components
would relate the components of
as follows:
However, premultiplying (3) with and summing over
By replacing the components of in (5) with the inverse of the relationship (2) and using (1) we get:
Comparing (4) and (6), the components are related to the components
by the following relationship:
(7) could have also been obtained by noticing the following:
From which the relationship between the components of and
can be obtained.
Fourth Order Tensors in 
The linear map where
is the set of all linear operators
is called a fourth order tensor.
In the following we will show how the components of change when the orthonormal basis set for the underlying space
is changed.
The matrix representation of when
is chosen as the basis set for
independent components
such that
such that:
Similarly, If is chosen as the basis set, then the components
would relate the components of
as follows:
However, premultiplying (8) with the components and
and summing over
results in:
By replacing the components of in (10) with the inverse of the relationship (2) and using 2 we get:
Comparing (11) and (9), the components are related to the components
by the following relationship:
(12) could have also be obtained by noticing the following:
From which the relationship between the components of and
can be obtained.