Quiz Strain Measures
Question 1
You can solve this question using the online tool.
A 2D displacement function of a unit square whose centroid is situated at the origin has the form:x=(x1x2)=( sketch the deformed shape by hand and calculate the small strain matrix.
Calculate the small strains along the directions a=(1,0) and b=(cos45,sin45).

Question 2
You can use the oneline tool.
Find displacement functions that would satisfy each of the following:

Vectors aligned with e1 are in compression, while the shear strain and ε22 are zero.
Vectors aligned with e2 are in tension, while the shear strain and ε11 are zero.
ε12 is positive while all other strain components are zero.

Question 3
You can use the first tool under this link.

The following displacement function represents a clockwise rotation of around 11.6 degrees. Rotation should be accompanied by zero strains, however, the small strain matrix, erroneously, predicts some tensile and compressive strains. Calculate the strains associated with this rotation:x=(x1x2)=(0.980.20.20.98)(X1X2)

Question 4
The following displacement function is accompanied by shear strain. Find an orientation for the coordinate system where the shear strain is equal to zero:

The second tool under this link will perform the calculations.

Question 5
You can use the tool under this link to perform these calculations.
Compare the small strain matrix and the Green strain matrix in the following two rigid body rotations: